Haven't read through entire thread - just some quick thoughts
FB and Twitter - they are companies and like WT can do what they want BUT it is misleading to get people to believe they can say anything they like. Also not nice if your words and other data are used for analysis that is exploitative/against your personal interests.
Freedom of speech - it is a Christian concept although it has been extended into the secular world and become freedom to argue or freedom to have different sets of values and priorities/faith or no faith or in between.
(Hebrews 3:6) . . .We are the house of that One, if we make fast our hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end.
The way I read that scripture is to mean that if in the face of opposition we stand up for Jesus Christ and don't get cowed, then we are of His house. It doesn't mean say whatever you want, regarless of whether it is sensible, realistic, true etc.
But getting back to FB and Twitter, just as some of us naively believed WT was Christian, so some believed FB and Twitter allowed you to say anything you liked. But now some are waking up. So if you want to go on a platform you need to find one where the values of the owner most closely match your own. Or learn to code and set up your own.
You could start here
And here